

韓国エネルギー研究所(Korea Institute of Energy Research)が、非破壊で太陽光パネルのガラスを100%回収し、かつシリコンを再利用して20.05%の効率で新しい太陽電池を製造できるというニュースが発信されています。


The novel technique can be applied to either damaged or undamaged panels and works in four steps: The automated dismantling of the frame and the junction box; glass separation; metal recovery; and solar cell recycling. “The core process is glass separation, with the glass recovery rate approaching 100%,” the scientists emphasized, noting that this was obtained by separating the interface between the glass and the module encapsulant.


The scientists were also able to refine the silicon recovered from waste panels to make six-inch single crystal ingots and wafers. The wafers were used to manufacture a 20.05%, high-efficiency solar cell. “Recycling a ton of discarded photovoltaic modules means a reduction of 1.2 tons of greenhouse emissions,” said KIER researcher Jinseok Lee. “So this technique is crucial to achieving a net-zero economy.”

引用元:pv magagine

