ASTM Internationalが、太陽光パネルのリサイクルや安全な廃棄を確実に行うため、有毒な化学物質や材料が溶出試験に関する新しい規格を策定し『E3325』として発行される様です。
Modules that pass the toxicity characteristic leaching procedure (TCLP) test specified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Method 1311 (and state protocols, if applicable) can be disposed of in regular landfills. Otherwise, modules would be classified as hazardous waste.
“Currently, there is no national or international standard available for removal of representative test samples from PV modules for toxicity testing per EPA 1311,” says Bicer. “The validity of the toxicity test results depends on the location of extracted samples in the module, specifically within the laminate area, and the particle size of the extracted samples.”
引用元:ASTM International